The Jennings EEC visitors center is well worth visiting. But for the purposes of birding, this location focuses on the Jennings EEC Prairie nearby. It has a number of well-kept trails that combine to make loops. And most loops will take you through the prairie, wetland and forest habitats. In spring/summer, expect to see wood warblers, multiple vireo species, flycatchers, including the great crested flycatcher and broad-winged hawks. Fall/ winter you’ll see golden-crowned kinglets, four species of woodpeckers, white and red breasted nuthatches and more.
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Western Pennsylvania
Jennings EEC Prairie
This stellar state park offers a variety of bird species thanks to its rare prairie habitat, as well as wetland and forest environments.

Getting there:
Jennings EEC Prairie is near the junction of Route 8 and Route 173 southeast of Slippery Rock. (The Old Stone House historical site is a good landmark for the location.) Google Maps readily recognizes “Jennings Environmental Education Center” and will reward you with accurate directions.
Expect to see:
Spring/ Summer: Woodcocks, Yellow warblers, common yellowthroats, hooded warblers, blue-gray gnatcatchers, ovenbirds, Baltimore orioles, broad-winged hawks.
Fall/ Winter: Golden-crowned kinglets, pileated, red-bellied, hairy and downy woodpeckers, northern flickers, dark-eyes juncos and potentially great-horned owls.
Recent Bird Activity at Jennings EEC Prairie

Field Sparrow
September 2, 2024 Jennings EEC Prairie
Broad-winged Hawk
September 2, 2024 Jennings EEC Prairie
Eastern Wood Peewee
September 2, 2024 Jennings EEC Prairie